Voiceovers by Client Discoveries of Angkor | Lost Treasures of Angkor: Ancient Laos Revealed | National Geographic UK Ancient Treasure | Lost Treasures of Angkor: Ancient Lao Revealed | National Geographic UK The World's Greatest Voyagers Nat Geo Doco - Wild Dolphins NHNZ - Narration by Steve Duck Nat Geo Doco - Penguin Central NHNZ - Narration by Steve Duck Nat Geo Doco - Savage Island Giants NHNZ - TVC Narration by Steve Duck MyRepublic Rumble Radio Ad Voice Over Solution Dynamics Ltd Introduction Voice Over | Steve Duck The Legal Avocado Ad - Radio Voice Over Steve Duck Voiceover Starts at 5:50 | Cook Islands Tourism Vantage Windows & Doors TVC Voice Over The Family Outing Ad - Radio Voice Over TaxRefunds.co.nz - Travel by Cirkus SKY Coronation Street TVC Voiceover Amnesty International - Video Voiceover EasiYo Yogurt - Educational Video Voice Over PRIME Upstairs Downstairs Cockney Accent Voiceover Carlsberg TVC Voice Over TaxRefunds.co.nz - Gadget By Cirkus BMW X Series TVC Voice Over KFC Queens Birthday Weekend NZ Radio Voiceover THIS BODY OF DEATH TVC Voiceover Havoline Motor Oil Cinema Ad Voiceover Red Bull Radio Ad Voice Over